Photo credit: Hakai Institute
Jan 29 - Feb 2, 2024

2024 Alaska Marine Science Symposium

2024 Alaska Marine Science Symposium

2024 Alaska Marine Science Symposium

When? Jan. 29th - Feb. 2nd, 2024
Where? Anchorage, AK, Hotel Captain Cook

The Alaska Marine Science Symposium (AMSS), Alaska’s premier marine research conference, has been bringing together scientists, educators, resource managers, students, and interested public for over thirty years to discuss the latest marine research being conducted in Alaskan waters. Over 700 people attend this 4-day long conference held annually during the month of January.

Each day of the conference highlights important Alaskan marine ecosystems: Gulf of Alaska (Tuesday), Arctic (Wednesday), and the Bering Sea & Aleutian Islands (Thursday). Research topics discussed range from ocean physics, fishes and invertebrates, seabirds, marine mammals, to local traditional knowledge.

For more information and to register: https://www.alaskamarinescience.org/

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